Friday, April 13, 2012


Today, Dr. Shutkin, Emily and I met to discuss the first draft of my paper. It was very beneficial for me to present ideas and let our conversation dictate some future changes I need to make so that my paper is on topic and relaying the message that I would like it to focus upon. I feel that the nature of our conversation and communicating through experience, while letting literature and research guide our discussions has been very effective.
One thing I realized yesterday was my past and now present definition of a "research" paper and how my whole paradigm has changed. I also found many movie parallels that I will incorporate into my paper as well. They both discussed how my ideas and thoughts need to be presented in my paper in such a way that it starts from the outside and always come back to the middle. I have many "branches" that need to be incorporated, but need to always come back to and focus upon the branch.
Through our discussion and meeting, I will be researching and incorporating some John Dewey into my paper because of his philosophy and influence on my grandmother, who in turn, inspired me. I also realized that the main reason for this paper is for others to gain a greater value of rapport through my thoughtful ethnographic work, that it brings them to question and reflect upon their own relationships in and outside of the education world.
Our discussion yesterday sparked an deeper interest in my topic and helped me to narrow down the purpose behind my thoughts, words and dedicated research.

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